ALS Signs and Symptoms

The emergence of ALS as a disease is slow. The rate at which ALS symptoms deteriorate and become life-threatening varies from one individual to the next. The symptoms may go overlooked at first since the beginning is so modest. Depending on which muscles are afflicted, early indications of ALS might be observed in various body areas. In its early stages, ALS can manifest itself in a variety of ways in various people. The most frequent early sign of ALS is gradual, painless, and increasing muscular weakness. Stiff muscles, muscle twitching, finger dexterity, cramping, weakening or wasting of intrinsic hand muscles, and a progressive deterioration in muscular strength resulting in difficulties holding a pen, raising a cup, and changing the voice tone are some of the symptoms. ALS symptoms begin in the arms, hands, and legs in around 75 to 80 percent of patients, including tripping, stumbling, or clumsiness when jogging. Some ALS patients also have foot drop and a "slapping" gait, which makes it difficult to function on a daily basis. People with ALS may have emotional and cognitive issues, such as involuntary and inappropriate laughter or sobbing, sadness, decreased critical thinking, or odd social conduct.

Because the neurodegenerative illness exclusively affects motor neurons, it has no effect on the senses of sight, touch, hearing, taste, or smell, and in many cases, even the muscles of the eyes and bladder are unharmed. Because ALS does not impact bowel or bladder control or cognitive capacity, individuals are able to maintain active social relationships with their friends and family. On the other hand, some people may have muscle spasms, which can be uncomfortable and lead to problems with language or decision-making, and there is emerging evidence that some patients may acquire dementia as the condition progresses. Some ALS patients may experience nerve illness or damage, as well as an increased risk of pneumonia, especially as the condition progresses.

The patient becomes paralyzed as the condition progresses, making it difficult for them to talk, swallow, and eventually breathe. When the breathing muscles of persons with ALS are compromised, their respiratory system weakens, and they may lose their capacity to breathe on their own, necessitating the need of permanent ventilatory support to help them breathe. Muscular atrophy and muscle cramping became more prevalent as the disease advances and the nerve cells in the brain are damaged. Voice alterations are common in patients with ALS in later stages, including excessive nasality and the development of a strained or strangled vocal tone. Patients may endure drooling and swallowing issues, and their speech may be entirely gone. Slurred speech, hoarseness, lower voice volume, aspiration of food, and choking during a meal are all typical symptoms.

The rate at which ALS progresses will differ from a person to person, also not everyone with ALS has the same symptoms, nor do they have the same progression sequences or patterns. Muscle weakening is something that everyone goes through. With an average survival span of three to five years for persons with ALS, 50% of those diagnosed live for three or more years, 20% live for five years or more, and approximately 10 percent live for more than ten years. Clinical management approaches, as well as perhaps additional therapies and medications under research, have been shown to help patients with ALS live longer.


  1. Am Sharon George, sincerely i was so sad when my dad was diagnosed with ALS disease early this year march to be precise , and i was so confused because i love my dad and i wouldn't want to loose him so soon so i decided to look for a possible solution to get rid of this ALS disease despite knowing it has no cure as advised by the medical doctor, everyday my dad's heath depreciate and keeps loosing weight and strength, a friend advised me to try Dr James ALS disease herbal formula that she used it to cure her dad's heart disease and i was reluctant about it until after a second thought i decided to give it a try because no harm in trying and immediately i contacted him he assure me that my dad will be cured within few weeks of medication and he sent me the medicine and i applied it on my dad as advised by Dr James and within 6 weeks of using the herbal formula my dad was cured and now my dad is free from ALS, i went to the hospital that said there was no cure to ALS disease and informed them about my dad's healing and they were surprised. here is the contact email ( jamesherbalformula@ gmail. com ) also reach him on hangout or through his whatsapp number via +2348102574680


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